You’ve seen the Olympics, now have a go!

Inspired by shoot offs in Paris? Curious how far arrows can really go (hint – it’s a lot longer than Olympic competition distance). Want to take up a sport for LA? Then how about an archery beginner’s course in the relaxed surroundings of Wicken?

Each course is of 2 consecutive Sundays 13:30 to 16:30 and there are 3 courses planned for the remainder of the outdoor season

  • Sept 8th and 15th
  • Sept 29th and Oct 6th
  • Oct 20th and 27th

We provide all the equipment required for the course, which are all outdoors at Wicken Sports Ground. Juniors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian throughout the course.

If interested please drop us a line via the Beginners’ Course page.

Who knows, perhaps you’ll find gold at the end of the rainbow (or the middle of the target face)!

Double rainbow over the Wicken archery range
Double rainbow over the Wicken archery range

2024 Outdoor season restarts with improved shooting line access for wheelchairs

The outdoor season was greeted by heavy rain, tidying out the kit store and installation of some new matting to improve wheelchair access to the shooting line. The latter activity was not without incident as it needed two local farmers trying three different vehicles to help us out of a muddy situation! Huge appreciation to Wicken Toys Ltd at Hurst Farm and Folly Fields Farm for their prompt support on a wet April Saturday.

As a reminder we shoot Sunday afternoons (from about 13:30), and Monday and Tuesday evenings (from about 17:30) at Wicken Sports Club Field.

Fancy starting archery as something new for the forthcoming sunny weather (surely it can’t rain _all_ year?!) then see earlier posts below for our Beginner’s Courses.

2024 Beginner’s Course Dates update

We’ve dropped the proposed March date, so we’ll be kicking off our courses in April. Fancy a new hobby for 2024? Each course is of 2 consecutive Sundays 13:30 to 16:30 and there are 6 courses planned:

  • April 14th and 21st
  • May 12th and 19th
  • June 2nd and 9th
  • Sept 8th and 15th
  • Sept 29th and Oct 6th
  • Oct 20th and 27th

We provide all the equipment required for the course, which are all outdoors at Wicken Sports Ground. Juniors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian throughout the course.

If interested please drop us a line via the Beginners’ Course page.